“What makes Mega Way Shakes better than the other meal replacement shakes? ”
Our customers and friends are reporting that by the third day on our shakes they are feeling great, with no desire for sugar or refined foods and have sustained energy with clear focus all day plus they make better food choices effortlessly and no longer have bad food cravings.
Our benefit bullet points are as follows:
> Each ingredient has more than 1g per each serving.
> Some of our ingredients have up to 8g per serving.
> Most shakes have maybe 20 to 100mcg per serving and have 40 ingredients which makes it impossible to benefit from any given ingredient because of the small amounts used.
> 14 of our 16 ingredients are whole and raw.
> None of or ingredients are processed with heat therefore sustaining 95% of their nutritional value and potency.
> Our proprietary blend provides you in one serving 24g of protein, 17g of fiber, 20,000 ORAC, 8g of the Omega Fatty Acids and 4g of green superfoods.
> 12 of our ingredients have naturally occurring digestive enzymes making our shake easy to digest and absorb without bloating or indigestion.
> Combined with our liquid multi vitamin mineral the total ORAC (antioxidant value) is over 40,000. The average shake has less than 1000 ORAC per serving.
> Every ingredient we use is Certified Organic, GMO free, Gluten free, Soy free, pesticide free, and tastes amazing!
> 6 week Vegan Shake Kit with Liquid Vitamins & Amino Sculpt Liquid Protein Collagen; If you are looking to build lean muscle mass and have beautiful, tight skin then this is for you. With Amino Sculpt you add an additional 16G of easily absorbable Protein.